Brain Fry and Bobbleheads: “Unified Commerce” is a nightmare to market
Anca takes on HotWax Systems’ “Unified Commerce” – Who will win? READ MORE
Being your partner means keeping you informed. Here’s what we’re finding interesting and exciting. Subscribe to the HotWax Systems Blog to stay up to date on all the latest in technology and how the world of business is moving and in what direction.
Anca takes on HotWax Systems’ “Unified Commerce” – Who will win? READ MORE
Apache OFBiz is a flexible and powerful ERP and supply chain application development framework. You might say it’s the open source SAP alternative that most people have not yet discovered. Most have.. READ MORE
Along with hundreds of other businesses located in Salt Lake City and impacted by the upcoming Outdoor Retailer Summer Market, HotWax Media is actively engaged in our pre-race warm-up. The.. READ MORE
B2C Partners estimates the size of the total US market for online retail software last year to be $415 million. That seems too small to me. READ MORE