Five Ways Open Source Empowers and Liberates Developers


Five Ways Open Source Empowers and Liberates Developers

With #ApacheCon 2015 drawing to a close, we asked some of our top developers why open source matters to them. Here’s what they said:

  1. “Open source empowers autonomy, which leads to creativity, so nothing blocks a developer from creating an advanced solution.”-S.S., Team HotWax
  1. “Open source lets developers experience both entrepreneurship and collaboration.”–P.P., Team HotWax
  1. “Open source builds a developer’s confidence because the community freely shares available knowledge and expertise.”–A.P., Team HotWax
  1. “Open source developers are creative pragmatists, factoring real-world business scenarios & pain points into the solution.”–S.S., Team HotWax
  1. “Open source empowers developers to solve a real-world problem in a creative way & then witness its impact on the world.”– L.L., Team HotWax

We thank the open source community for its tireless efforts to create open source for all, and also want to express our appreciation for the expert and dedicated members of our team whose brilliance and collaborative attitudes exemplify the true spirit of open source.


Photo credit: jfdervin / Foter / CC BY-SA

DATE: Apr 16, 2015
AUTHOR: HotWax Systems
Thought Leadership, Open Source Software