DATE: Mar 22, 2016
AUTHOR: Mike Bates
Apache OFBiz is a flexible and powerful ERP and supply chain application development framework. You might say it’s the open source SAP alternative that most people have not yet discovered. Most have not, but many certainly have. This includes United Airlines, Herman Miller, BT, IEEE CS, cabi, and hundreds of other well-known organizations.
Anyone who does some digging in the area of “open source supply chain management” will likely find OFBiz. At HotWax, our mission is to leverage open source to solve problems and remove obstacles to business growth, and we have centered our business around providing services and developing products using OFBiz.
With that intention, we have also donated a great deal of energy contributing to the Apache OFBiz project — engineers providing bug fixes, new functionality, and community leadership — well over 10,000 hours to date. This past weekend we had another OFBiz community day, where 20 HotWax engineers worked together on OFBiz issues. Along with good food and socializing, the team spend their Saturday fixing or closing 12 issues, and commenting or providing patches for another 8 issues. We consider it giving back to a public resource that does so much for us and the others out there using it to run their businesses.
I’m proud of our team for their efforts to continuously improve OFBiz and help open source continue to be more widely understood and appreciated. SO this post is really a quick tip-of-the-hat to our engineers who participated over the weekend. Way to go gang!