How to Pack and Ship an Order in OFBiz

Following up to our videos about placing an order in OFBiz and picking an order in OFBiz, we have posted a new demo video to YouTube that goes through the pack and ship an order process.  In this post we begin by packing an order, we then walk through the steps to getting shipping rates, print a shipping label and finalize a shipment.  We also review the information available on the on the pack and ship screens.

We have a number of additional videos on YouTube highlighting other processes in OFBiz and will be adding more in the coming weeks.  Come take a look!

Patrick Gibbons
Patrick Gibbons is VP of Client Experience at HotWax Systems. With nearly a decade of experience working with OFBiz, has a deep understanding of E-commerce, ERP, and warehouse management. Patrick has helped numerous clients worldwide implement OFBiz, improve business processes, and increase profit while decreasing customer and employee frustration.
Patrick Gibbons

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