OFBiz Merchandising Features Simplify Product Detail Management


Learn more about OFBiz merchandising features

Learn more about the capabilities of OFBiz merchandising features with a helpful video tutorial from HotWax Systems. We have added another OFBiz video, and this time we are showing off some customizations we have done to manage products in a digital commerce store.

The video shows how to manage details such as product name, price, and weight, as well as start and end dates.  We also demonstrate how to manage product variants, images, categories, sale rules, and reviews.  We are regularly adding additional videos demonstrating other enhancements and customizations made to OFBiz.  Come take a look!



Patrick Gibbons
Patrick Gibbons is VP of Client Experience at HotWax Systems. With nearly a decade of experience working with OFBiz, has a deep understanding of E-commerce, ERP, and warehouse management. Patrick has helped numerous clients worldwide implement OFBiz, improve business processes, and increase profit while decreasing customer and employee frustration.
Patrick Gibbons

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