DATE: Aug 20, 2014
AUTHOR: Pranay Pandey
If you are looking for an open source enterprise automation framework, Apache OFBiz may very well be your best choice! Naturally, OFBiz performance and scalability is one of the first topics you will want to consider. Depending on the nature of business being automated, your OFBiz system may either face a heavy load right away as it is deployed to production, or perhaps only at a later date as it grows. OFBiz must be capable of handling your business system performance needs both now and in the future. If you follow our best practices, your system will scale gracefully!
The first place to focus for making sure an application scales in production is on proper deployment procedures and setup. The image below contains the type of sample production system recommendations that are critical for making those initial setup choices.
HotWax Media has a dedicated internal team evaluating Apache OFBiz performance under various types of heavy loads. This is done by creating real world use cases for business processes and executing those through Apache JMeter. These testing procedures have helped us build a set of best practices around system requirements and deployment procedures.
These detailed performance statistics help us in making better decisions related to OFBiz performance. Our strategy has been to not only do load test but do stress testing as well where we try to hit capacity thresholds. For our custom built solutions, and for OFBiz in general, we have made fixes to maximize performance as a result of this effort.
We will be following-up this post with a series of additional blog posts on this topic, and will share our experience and recommendations for Apache OFBiz production deployment practices. We are pleased to be able to share this kind of information with the OFBiz community of developers and business users.
Do you have any OFBiz performance issues? Looking for an OFBiz system from HotWax Media? Contact us!