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Bloggers Debate on if SEO is a Good Start Up Strategy

Written by HotWax Systems | Mar 09, 2011


The dialogue about whether or not SEO remains a viable strategy for a start up is nothing new. So it was a little surprising that over the weekend a colony of consultants, strategists and bloggers were swarming their online forums after Chris Dixon kicked the hornet’s nest and directly challenged the legitimacy of SEO even carrying an ounce of merit anymore. (Be sure to scan the comments to get the full effect.)

People will always fight for what they believe in, as they should. But it strikes me as odd that a post like this would still get people so fired up about something we all seem to know based on a sage investment axiom–don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

SEO still drives a significant amount of traffic for ecommerce sites, or any site for that matter, and generating quality content and doing in-depth keyword research is a process that would be as foolish to ignore as it would be to embrace as an exclusive approach. For as long as there have been evolving methods in technology to start, promote and advance a business, the concept of an Integrated Marketing strategy has been sensible and pragmatic. This isn’t shocking and it’s not a new school of thinking.

Despite the recent clean up by Google, SEO has not begun to fade away, nor do many people expect that it will in the near future. In fact, naysayers have been predicting its demise for a decade. And while it’s true that adopting a purist strategy is not a realistic way to break onto the scene, I don’t foresee the wheels falling off the SEO bus anytime soon.

Through years of creating powerful enterprise ecommerce solutions, HotWax Media has come to understand that any online business can benefit from being mindful about how to capitalize on developing trends, and through a willingness to embrace new promotional tactics. Contact us today to find out how our experience is one of the most powerful tools for deciphering the double talk, and creating agile solutions that will make sure you’re ready for the next big thing. Whenever it comes.



Jared Matkin is a staff writer for HotWax Media with a background in PR, Branding and Marketing. He’s also a light-hearted and an opinionated character who will join other HotWax Media employees and advisers in periodically posting his thoughts on topics ranging from enterprise eCommerce to business and technology.