OFBiz Community Service Bug Crush the HotWax Way!


Big bug crush this Saturday at HotWax University!

OFBiz Community Service Continues at 11-15 Bug Crush

In support of the Apache OFBiz community, dozens of members of Team HotWax will  soon join forces for our fourth marathon bug crush event in as many months. Typically, a bug crush event involves our team working both with and as a part of the broader OFBiz community to fix issues reported by others. We also work with them to make the fixes as well-designed and as high-quality as possible.

OFBiz community service at HotWax University

The bug crush will take place (mostly) at HotWax University in Indore, India, on Saturday, November 15 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. HotWax programmers and developers will also join in from remote locations, along with other members ofthe OFBiz community.

Why does (cyber) community service matter?

Our team has donated hundreds of hours of service in support of the OFBiz community during our previous bug crush events (198 hours during our most recent bug crush alone) and is eager to continue to make a difference. OFBiz is measurably better after efforts such as bug crush events, and everyone from customers to our competitors ultimately benefits. The metrics are important, but it is the human interest that makes them happen. We honor the OFBiz community and appreciate our position within it.

Mike Bates, CEO of HotWax Media,  will join the team onsite in Indore for Saturday’s event, so stay tuned for pics and for his updates as the crush commences!

DATE: Nov 11, 2014
AUTHOR: Teresa Zundel
Company News, OFBiz Ecommerce, OFBiz Development, OFBiz, OFBiz community, OFBiz community service