DATE: Sep 06, 2018
AUTHOR: Ben Johnson
Furthering our commitment to the advancement of open source technologies, HotWax Systems is pleased to announce that we will be hosting the 2018 Moqui Ecosystem open source conference this Fall at our Salt Lake City, Utah headquarters.
In collaboration with David Jones, creator and founder of the Moqui Ecosystem, we will be bringing together the world’s most talented and innovative Moqui thought leaders to share and discuss the newest developments, future opportunities, and best practices around this progressive open source technology.
Session topics will include real world use and experiences, technical and framework, business logic and applications, and community development.
David Jones will offer two presentations along with group discussions: State of the Ecosystem and Community Governance and Growth. There will also be two presentations by representatives from businesses currently leveraging the Moqui ecosystem, and a presentation by HotWax Systems discussing their experience building an internal project management application using Moqui.
October 11th & 12th, 2018 (Thursday & Friday)
HotWax Systems Global HQ
136 South Main Street, A200
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
$30 per person collected at event (includes lunch for both days)
To register to attend, click here.
Interested in presenting at this event? Submit presentation proposals directly to