During our last round of recruitment, we searched numerous local engineering colleges and IT finishing schools. As it was our first time recruiting in this manner, it was very hands on. The first and most important round of our selection process is an aptitude and technical test. We administered it at all of the locations where we were recruiting. As this was the first time we did it on this scale, we were also analyzing our requirements to make this process more automated and efficient for our recruitment team in the future. As we know the capabilities of the Apache OFBiz framework for supporting rapid application development, OFBiz was our first choice for building an application to automate this test process.
After analyzing the application requirements of the HWM recruitment team, we tried mapping these with the Apache OFBiz Survey Data Model. To no one’s surprise, OFBiz proved to be easily customized, and very capable of handling this custom application using the Survey Data Model. We did not need to do make any major database design decisions, it was already there!
We moved ahead and started building a Recruitment Management application. A team of four developers was able to complete a custom UI layer (Bootstrap), the required custom services, the minor database extensions, and a thorough QA stage in four weeks.
Today we conducted our first walk-in recruitment drive using this application and it went really well. The application helped us manage the drive efficiently and proved to be a real time saver.
Apache OFBiz undoubtedly has the answer to every real world business problem. If you have a good understanding of the Universal Data Model, which is the basis of the framework’s business layer, you can map requirements quite efficiently.
We are sure that we will be continuously updating this application as requirements are added or changed, leveraging OFBiz’s ability to quickly manage/maintain custom applications once they are built, this will be an easy process. Allowing us to rapidly update our recruitment application as technology and our needs change.
Here are some screenshots of the custom recruitment management application built on top of Apache OFBiz:
Drive Search
Drive Detail View
Candidate Search
Deposit a Question
Candidate Login
Question Paper
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