Hotwax Systems Blog
Being your partner means keeping you informed. Here’s what we’re finding interesting and exciting. Subscribe to the HotWax Systems Blog to stay up to date on all the latest in technology and how the world of business is moving and in what direction.
Doctors Without Borders
Doctors Without Borders (DWB) is the real deal. From providing education for HIV prevention to delivering emergency medical treatment to injured civilians in war zones, like Aleppo, these volunteers.. READ MORE
The Obstacle is the Way: Creating the Apache OFBiz Accelerator
“To see an obstacle as a challenge, to make the best of it anyway, that is also a choice—a choice that is up to us.” –Ryan Holiday, “The Obstacle is the Way” READ MORE
The Open Source SAP Alternative You’ve Never Heard Of
Apache OFBiz is a flexible and powerful ERP and supply chain application development framework. You might say it’s the open source SAP alternative that most people have not yet discovered. Most have.. READ MORE
Apache Branding Project a Collaborative and Enriching Experience.
Now that the new Apache Software Foundation logo has been released and shared widely, I want to take a moment to reflect on the project and share a few observations. (You can see the current ASF.. READ MORE
Getting our SaaS on
Last week I had the chance to attend the 2016 SaaStr conference in San Francisco. I was mainly focused on a better understanding of the positioning of our Apache OFBiz Accelerator cloud commerce.. READ MORE